Monday, December 07, 2009


Mr. Teacher had this on one of his posts. 90% of teaching is discipline, those that aren't teacher forget this.

Dr Terry Haydn, a teacher trainer at the University of East Anglia, disagrees with Mr Steer. He believes that many teachers' working lives are severely restricted by disruptive children. Based on his own experiences and on research he has conducted with headteachers, qualified teachers and student teachers, Dr Haydn has developed the following 10-point scale that charts student behaviour in the classroom:

10. Teacher completely relaxed and comfortable and able to work without concern.

9. Teacher in control, but has to exercise some authority at times to maintain working atmosphere.

8. Teacher can establish and maintain relaxed and co-operative atmosphere, but this requires considerable thought and effort.

7. Class bubbly and rowdy. The few pupils who mess around stop when asked to do so.

6. Major effort to establish and maintain a calm atmosphere. Several pupils will not remain on task without persistent exhortation.

5. The teacher feels awkward or embarrassed if a visitor, such as the head, a governor or inspector, comes in because their control of the class is limited.

4. Control is limited and it takes time to get the class to listen. Lesson preparation is about control rather than education.

3. Teacher dreads the thought of the lesson. Major disruption, with children who want to work having difficulty.

2. Pupils are in control. Teaching is ignored, with staff just hoping children will be in a good mood, leaving them alone to chat to each other.

1. The teacher’s entry into the classroom is greeted by jeers and abuse. Such staff have to turn a blind eye to bad behaviour to avoid confrontation. They often wish they had not gone into the profession.

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